December 18, 2008

Just woke up. Haven't had time to do my hair yet.

Livin' on the edge.


He's trying to get a sticker off the bottom of his foot.

Getting ice cream at McDonalds after having shots.

This teddy bear (along with any other stuffed animal) is called "Iknow." He carried it around patting it saying "Iknow, Iknow." The real Iknow was playing right next to him. I don't think it occured to him he could be playing with the real Iknow.

"Oh Christmas tree."

Trey figured out how to take off the couch cushions. He was so proud of himself.

They took the tree skirt off for me. It really serves no purpose. I don't know why I put it on in the first place.

December 17, 2008

Snow 2008

Which hole?

Towel game.

For some reason Trey thinks that you are supposed to sing to your Christmas tree every day. We find him in the dining room swaying and singing to it at least 10 times a day. It sounds like he is singing "Oh Christmas Tree" in Japanese. He knows the tune but none of the words.

December 9, 2008

"Daddy, I'm not getting anywhere."

Iknow sleeping.

Trying to put socks on.

Trey is trying to read his "row, row, row your boat" book. "Trying" is the key word in that sentence.

November 30, 2008

Gingerbread house 2008. Look at the two cutest kids of all time peaking out the windows. That was Mitch's idea.

November 28, 2008

Trey opens drawers/cabinets for her, gets her started, and then will move on to his own bigger and better project. With an assistant now he can get a lot more re-organizing done. It's a good deal for him. He's accomplishing more each day and pays her with cheerios. It works for both of them. I think she got 20 cheerios for this dresser deal. For a big job he will pay in "fwa-wa" (waffles).

Mitch putting up Christmas lights.

I think he's planning on measuring his tummy pre-Thanksgiving dinner and post-Thanksgiving dinner. I told him not to worry about it, but he insisted that he needs to watch his calorie intake so he will still be able to fit in his little devil Halloween costume.

Sophia on Grandma and Grandpa's treadmill after Thanksgiving dinner. She saw Trey doing it and then had to get on to work off a few of her own Thankgiving calories.

Thanksgiving duet on the piano at Grandma's and Grandpa's house.

All four of us went on a walk. We all made it back to the garage and we were giving Sophia a minute to wake up. Trey decided to go on his own 2nd walk. Mitch followed him and I stayed back with Sophia, still in the stroller. Trey made it 30 yards and then decided to come back home. Sophia and I went out to meet up with the boys at the end of the driveway. The video is when Trey sees "I know" (Sophia). (They've only been apart for 3 minutes. You would think they hadn't seen each other in a week.)

I keep telling Trey that her name is Sophia. He just keeps calling her "I know." When she was a newborn and was fussy I walked her around saying "I know. I know." With out having any intention of doing so I taught Trey to call her "I know." He insists that "I know" is her name and will even correct me sometimes when I say "Sophia."


November 26, 2008

More coloring.


Trey is playing trumpet; Sophia is playing the spoon.

Trey is providing the opportunity for Sophia to listen to some quality trumpet music during her evening snack. Best trumpet player I've ever heard.

Trey coloring a turkey for Thanksgiving.

Where did he go?

Sophia standing....even if it is just for a second.

November 25, 2008


Trey would do this all day.

"Can we get in yet?"

Halfway through the walk.

"Did she say 'inside?'"

Getting changed into pajamas.

"Let's go on a walk."

Peanut butter and Jelly.

Mid-crawl, coming to help me with the camera.


They love to play under their cribs.

November 13, 2008

I know what it looks like, but it's only milk in his sippy cup.

Mitch installed a kidrail.


Asking to go "side" (outside).

This is our family's version of helping to cook dinner.
