March 29, 2009


March 27, 2009

The slide at the park.


"I put my hat on all by myself. Can you tell?" (The long part is supposed to go over my ears, but it looks better this way. Style.)

Fun with a box.

Kissing through the gate.

March 22, 2009

Out to dinner with the Wessel family.

Aunt Ra-Ra and Mitch before mountainbiking.

Aunt Ra-Ra and Mitch after mountainbiking.

"I'll just lay my head down and rest while I eat."

March 20, 2009

She said "banana" 3 times before I was able to turn on the video camera. Once I got it turned on, she didn't say it again. Bananas are the one food Trey won't eat. Not going to be the case with Sophia.

Sophia running.

March 19, 2009



Trey wants Sophia "out" of the sled. She is "all done."

Lip smackin' good.

Sophia eating snow.

March 18, 2009

Trey helping put his crib back together.

March 15, 2009

Mommy worked at McDonalds to help raise money for her school. We went and ate dinner with her at the end of her shift.